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    Demystifying Yoga

    Yoga has a long reputation of being something far out, spiritual, new age or granola. While the core of the practice certainly stems back to ancient Indian spirituality, the yoga we do today is usually really different. YEAS yoga is built on the idea that slowing down and paying attention to the way we move and breathe can heavily effect our quality of life. The yoga we bring to homes and schools isn’t connected to a religion, it doesn’t involve chanting and we will never make our participants do anything that makes them spiritually uncomfortable. That isn’t the goal.

    If you are interested in enrolling your child in a YEAS yoga class, but you feel nervous about the content, this post is for you. Here is what you can expect from a YEAS class:

    Music and movement
    Some of our greatest moments in class come from dancing around and holding poses like tree, downward dog and mountain pose, alongside catchy kid-friendly songs.

    We believe that kids should have some choice about what they are doing in yoga, and what kinds of goals/rewards they are working towards. For most kids with special needs, everything seems to be decided for them – so yoga is a time where we put some control back in their hands.

    Breathing technique
    Breathing deeply significantly effects our quality of life, and our ability to bounce back from stressful situations. This skill doesn’t come naturally – so we teach it – breath by breath.

    We value physical and mental flexibility – whether it’s being able to touch your toes, or accept a change in plans – we will provide challenges that lead to personal growth.

    Focus and Attention development
    The ability to concentrate on one thing at a time is crucial for success in life. Through yoga, we teach this skill by bringing the kids back to the “main thing” that they are doing.

    Self Esteem building
    You think you can’t do it? Guess what? You can. We will work with kids week by week to give them tangible examples of personal growth.

    YEAS runs classes in schools, and private homes all around the Bay Area. We also have training sessions for adults wanting certification in teaching the YEAS yoga method to children anywhere in the world. If you would like more information on how you can teach YEAS yoga, or how you can enroll your child in a YEAS class, visit our website at