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    5 Amazing Benefits of Deep Breathing

    1) Breathing encourages mindfulness
    Mindfulness means slowing down and paying attention to the most basic elements of life. What can you hear in silence? What is your brain really focusing on? Break it down into bite-size chunks and you’ll begin to notice how and why you do things. Breathing deeply causes us to stop and smell the roses. Mindfulness puts our lives in perspective.

    2) Breathing helps alleviate anxiety 
    Feeling anxious? Take a moment to breathe deeply and your body will soon feel better. Breathing isn’t a magic wand, it won’t make your feelings disappear, but it will provide the oxygen it takes to recalibrate your thinking.

    3) Breathing helps the circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive and lymph systems function 
    The path to holistic health is paved with deep breathing. Enough said.

    4) Breathing increases productivity 
    The happier you are, the less room your mind has for anxiety. With less anxiety, you can get more done. If you stop what you’re doing, take a break and breathe, you are more likely to finish what you start. You’re also more likely to generate some great ideas with more oxygen provided to your brain.

    5) Breathing builds resilience 
    Resilience is flexibility in the face of challenges. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after something difficult has happened – the ability to shake off the dust and keep going. Deep breathing encourages resilience by giving you the physical strength to cope with the situation, followed by the mental fortitude to keep going. Breathing gives you the break you need to keep going.