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    3 Reasons Yoga Promotes Unlikely Friendships

    Time and time again, we have seen kids that appear to be worlds apart connecting through yoga. YEAS classes transcend any differences, disabilities, background, religion, gender and socioeconomic diversity, connecting kids with a shared activity. Yoga just brings people together.
    (1) Time set aside for the sole purpose of community 
    There’s an instructor, participants and the mat – no screens, no audio or visual distractions. Nothing is more important than the moment that is unfolding before your eyes. Kids need to see adults connecting without a phone in their hand and the lure of unending work. Adults need to give kids more than an ipad in their hands to keep them occupied. Community and connection are key.
    (2) Yoga is non-competitive 
    Especially for those children who seem to make everything a competition, yoga shows that being fast or first has nothing to do with being successful. Each child “competes” only against their own stamina, focus, balance and flexibility. If we’re going to encourage competition, we should be encouraging each child to better themselves – not be “better” than one another.
    (3) YEAS Yoga doesn’t rely on perfection
    Each child does their best, and within a safe space, struggling with a pose is actually an invitation to accept help from someone else. Without judgement, a child can assist another child or explain how they figured out how to make a pose that used to be hard for them. In a YEAS class, we move at each child’s pace – knowing that when they are ready to master something, they will.
    If you would like to know more about enrolling your child in a YEAS Yoga class, contact us today on